Always have a lot of things on your mind? Journal writing is an easy way to clear your head and put your thoughts down on paper. The best part of it? It’s not only a lot of fun, but it also has some surprising benefits you might not even know about.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
You don’t really have to be the next Fitzgerald to start your journal writing career. There are no rules when it comes to journaling. Actually, letting your words flow is pretty easy once you get acquainted with it. Really try to aim your attention on your journaling experience in a space that makes you feel completely comfortable and where you can let your words flow without any interruptions.
Whether you went on vacation in 1999 or took a short trip to one of your favorite cities a couple of weeks ago, several details of these precious moments might get lost over time.
That’s why it’s nice to have everything written down, especially if you want to remember all the specifics of your travels and experiences.
By journaling you help keep your brain in excellent shape, boost your memory, and increase the capacity of your working memory. Let the beauty of the world stir your senses and inspire your words.
Especially when a day full of work and other obligations leaves you feeling down and low, journal writing is a good way to help you unwind and de-stress.
Whether you establish it as part of your bedtime routine or you just want to sit down with a nice cup of coffee, letting your thoughts out of your head can help you clear your impressions and emotions.
Studies show that journaling about your day, your feelings, or your concerns is not only a terrific way to clear your head, but it also helps you sleep better, feel more relaxed, and solve problems more quickly. Keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends, and improvements.
Try it for yourself and maybe journal writing can help you become happier, more creative, and more productive each day!
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